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LPGCL Innovation Stories

Bajaj Energy

Published Sep 10, 2020

We at LPGCL believe in innovation on the existing system for improvement in reliability & efficiency in the plant with minimum expenditure with the available resources. With this initiative, we at LPGCL have done some innovative work for the improvements of the existing system which are as follows.

Real-Time Plant Efficiency Monitoring:

Real-time plant performance monitoring in term of GHR & THR have been developed in house and made available to the operator for taking proper and necessary action for proper operation of the unit.

THR & GHR is shown in operator graphics page as below.

Development Of In-house Testing Skid For Servicing Of Hydraulic Actuating Device (Had) Of Fan

In Axial Fans (ID, FD & PA Fans), Hydraulic actuating Device (HAD) is like the human brain that controls fans functions during operation. For testing of the repaired HAD it was necessary to stop any Fan and after installation, the function of HAD can only be checked. Therefore, to save time in replacement of defective HAD with a tested and repaired HAD, a testing kit has been developed in-house at our Power Station. By doing this it is possible to make the Fan availed in minimum time thereby generation and DC loss have been minimised.

Development of In-house Fill Cutting Machine

For efficient operation of the power plant, the cooling towers must be maintained as per design parameters. The condition of the fills in the cooling tower plays a very impotent role. To repair and fabricate the fills at the site an innovative fill pack cutting machine has been designed & fabricated in-house at the site. This has not only saved the procurement cost of damaged fill packs but also increased the availability of cooling towers in the required condition.

Modification – Cw Pumps Discharge Line Interconnection:

Redundancy of CW pumps has been ensured by the interconnection of discharge line of all units by in-house design, fabrication, and installation and commissioning. This CW Pump Discharge Line Interconnection Modification has increased reliability and availability of CW pumps, reduction in APC & Maintenance cost.

BFP Mechanical Seal Failure Due To Higher Seal Water Temperature:

Main BFP DE and NDE mechanical seals were observed with frequent failures during running and standstill condition. The modification was carried out for DMCW inlet and outlet for both DE and NDE

By this modification seal cooling water temperature is getting maintained at designed values during BFP running, therefore no frequent mechanical seal failure is observed and has resulted in huge cost saving.

Innovation In CHP System:

It is needless to tell the importance of coal handling plant in a thermal power plant. Smooth and reliable operation of CHP is very much required for the availability of the plant. Therefore, a lot of innovative jobs has been carried out at CHP for reliable operation of the systems. Such as capacity enhancement of VGF from 500 TPH to design capacity of 1500 TPH, modification in cooling system of heavy-duty gear boxes of belt conveyor, various innovative ways to restrict coal spillage and dust suppression in belts.

The above are a few examples of the innovation and modification done for the stabilisation, improvement in efficiency and reliable operation of the unit.

Do You Know

  • Bajaj Energy is the largest power producer in the state of Uttar Pradesh after NTPC
  • LPGCL has a state of art smokeless chimney which is rare to see for a plant of this capacity
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